
In case you want to know more about the backstory of Klaus’s cartoons, his referents, interests, or his views on the architectural corner of the cosmos, you can probably find it here in his own words. Below is a collection of interviews ranging from 2013 to 2020 with varying lengths, but typically rather wordy. Caution: do not read all of them in one sitting. You’ve been warned.

Cormier, Brendan (2013): “Caricature, Hyperbole and the Politics of the Cartoon. A conversation with Jimenez Lai and Klaustoon” (from Volume #36: Ways to Be Critical. The Netherlands: Archis Foundation, Nº 36: 106-111).

Gil, Iker (2013): “Cartooning Architecture and Other Issues. Iker Gil interviews graphic artist Klaus” (from MAS Context #20: Narrative, Chicago: MAS Studio: 116-125)

Massad, Fredy (2014): “Satirizar la arquitectura. Entrevista a Klaus.” (in architectural critic Fredy Massad’s blog La Viga en el Ojo). Part 1, Part 2.

Lovell, Sophie (2016): “The [not so] Fine Line: A Conversation Thread about this and that with architecture cartoonist Klaus” (from Uncube #42: Walk The Line, Berlin: Baunetz Media: 51-60).

Barreiro, Ana; Alonso, Alberto (2016): “Klaus: Architecture, comics, and critique” (in Veredes, Arquitectura y Divulgación). Part 1, Part 2.

Redacción CoolHunter Mx (2018): “Klaus, humor blanco y sátira de la arquitectura” (in Cool Hunter México).

Mota, Melissa (2018): “Klaus, la Arquitectura con Sátira” (in: Gatopardo, Arte y Cultura)

Lus Arana, Koldo (2018): “Dancing about Architecture; a conversation with architect and cartoonist Klaus” (from Thresholds #46: Scatter!, edited by Anne Graziano and Eliyahu Keller, Cambridge: MIT Press: 278-298).

Andulce, Pablo; Pinto, Magdalena (2018): “Coloquios de Arquitectura y Narrativa” (in: Más Deco, Diario La Tercera, Santiago de Chile: 37).

Carabí-Bescós, Guillem; Massad, Fredy (2020): “Klaus, 10 Years of Architecture, Satire, and Cartoons” (in: Foros 2020: Co-Benefits, Barcelona: UIC / QUT Ediciones; Buenos Aires: BISMANEDICIONES, 14-35).

Alejos, Nerea (2020) “Una visión satírica de la arquitectura” (in: Diario de Navarra, Saturday, 29 Feb: 50-51).

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